Ethereal is still surreal. Now if only my brain were awake!

Playing with Ethereal again. Other than that, I've been chatting online for a good part of the day, listening to music, answering the (#&$(*#&%)(#$^)#%&(&A)@*!# phone and oh yeah, speaking of phones, the stooopid weather decided to cause a cancellation on me which I am willing to accept but not all that giddy about. Drat. ::disappointment crosses face for second time at memory of phone call:: Well, 'sall good. It started snowing again, oh, joyous life! How awesome it is to live where it snows such pretty white fluffy stuff that settles upon one's hair and drags them down into the frozen tundra with it as it solidifies into snowbanks that collect acidic dirt. Yes, indeed, I love snow.

Actually, I'd rather have snow than ice, but unfortunately the two often go hand in hand, so...

ONTO fluffier subjects (no pun intended, just unadmiringly terrible at wit today)... my stomach is not flipping over into miniature knots, AND I have today off so technically I can sit here at this computer into tomorrow and actually enjoy it without listening to the pitter patter of a heart flip flopping all over my intestines. Okay, that wasn't so fluffy. That was actually slightly more on the morose side. Or something. My writing is certainly NOT up to par today... most likely because my mind is full of junk and not particularly clear at the moment. Perhaps I'll go dance around my house and pick up some clutter while doing some general cleaning. That might clear my head a bit. We'll see...

Brain floating in murky sea-water so as to confuse poor techie,



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