C programming, overall contentedness

Wow, am I content tonight or what... maybe because I'm kind of pampering myself and feeling rather productive today. So far I've fixed an issue I had at school - I CAN take these two classes I wanted to take instead of English Composition and some weird course about learning (as if I need that one)... then I did a small amount of shopping and only spent eight bucks on butter, crackers, cherries, and chai... then I did a little more shopping at the food co-op and ended up spending almost three bucks on eight eggs (okay, not so productive, but food store didn't get their delivery due to storm). THEN I managed to catch the bus home just before it left!! The whole trip down there only took me about 1.5 hours.

I stopped at work before heading home and picked up all three packages that I'd been expecting. I knew about two of them but apparently the third came today before I got there. (yay!) I packed my bag more and introduced a few people to my Soran's new baby sister, "Sarän," who is a SILVER version of Soran (very nice, albeit antiquated, pda). I nabbed it on ebay a few weeks ago and she finally arrived, safe, sound, and in VERY good shape. Speaking of which, I should go leave some excellent feedback...

Included in the packages were also a few christmas gifts for coworkers and family, and of course for myself... *grin* Hey, I'm not TOTALLY selfless... shopping online is a BAD thing for me to do, especially when I'm shopping for fellow geeks...

And then I came home, put away my stuff, made a cup of chai for the first time and sat down to catch up on some boards I've been a bit lax on as of late. I was sooo glad I caught up on one in particular - I never realize how much I miss the place until I go back to it after two months!! Got a warm welcome right off, too. Such a nice place. In fact, this was the board that introduced my eyes to the word chai in the first place. It was when I first tasted this lovely beverage that I realized I HAD to let everyone know I finally tried some and just how awesome it is! At some point I realized, too, that I'd forgotten to post to the RP I'm in, so I did that and then returned to praise chai some more and bask in the friendly atmosphere.

Once I finished there, I sat down with the C book that my boss gave me a month or so ago and actually got INTO it again. I even did the questions at the end of the chapter, and in earnest. Talked with Mom for a while, finished the chapter, and decided to make dinner: Veggies, pasta and biscuits with chocolate soymilk. While waiting for that to finish cooking, I did yesterday's dishes, and then I sat down to eat with my chopsticks in tow. Haha.

Now I'm typing this and finishing my dinner, bopping to some eighties music and feeling soooooooo cool and collected.

Quiet, calm and still feeling techieish,



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