All right. I've heard of 'em. I've read a few. But nothing ever compares to actually DOING something computer- and writing-related. I just had to have one.

So, that said, HERE'S MY BLOG!! I can now say "Yes, I do have an authentic blog, even though I was perfectly happy writing my own code for my own well-unknown website! I can now express myself here for all the world to see if it so chooses! I can open myself up for flaming, or for praise, or for boredom! Yay!! Whoo hoo!"

Okay, so I /am/ a bit excited about this. After all, it /is/ my /own/ spot to ramble, and my friends all KNOW how I love to ramble. And, the best part is, I can post from any internet connection. I can't do THAT with my own site. Well, I can with this, but... as I said, it's a well-unknown site...

Methinks it's time for breakfast, so I'm going to post this now and learn more about what options for this exist whilst I'm eating my quesadilla. Oh, happy days!! A new toy!!


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