Egads, this keeps going and going and...

Talon is working overtime today.  In addition to sorting through a gazillion pictures, I've also been opening and closing Outlook in its Unified state (Windows 7 in the background in a VM, but you only see Outlook).  AND I updated my website, psychomuse.com.  AND I've been scanning images into iPhoto.  AND I'm listening to iTunes.  AND I'm surfing the net.  AND I opened Scrivener for a while.  Talon has been up and running for 15 days.  The only reason it's not 30 is because I try to reboot him every two weeks or so, and then do a clone, just to make sure any bugs are cleared out.

I did have to log out of Windows and log back in earlier, though... Outlook decided it didn't want to play nice.  And iWeb crashed once.  In fact, it was when I opened Outlook...



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