More SQL FUN!!

Today I figured out how to create a batch file coupled with a .sql file that creates a text file of all schemas and their associated tables in a database.

W00T!!  That was a fingerful.

This is the most awesomest class I've taken in the past few years... I think the last time I loved a class this much was Cisco.  This time, however, there's no heartbreak associated with it, and it's actually useful in my job, and even at home (if I remember right, SQL can easily be used in Access, which I also use at home now and then).

There are a couple things making this one so special:
- It's at home, effectively removing all interruptions except the cat or an unexpected knock at the door.
- The instructor shows us lots of examples as he talks about the modules.
- It's going at a good pace.
- The labs are very very helpful, and give the answer which helps me get through them quickly, taking screenshots as I go for additional examples (future reference).
- The labs are available outside of class hours, so I can do them later as well if I can't finish "in class."
- During breaks/lunch, I can listen to the new-to-me stuff by Chicago, which gives me all sorts of energy because it's so powerful and awesome.
- I can make my own lunch, which is likely a LOT healthier (even if not cheaper).
- The time is perfect, 9-6 or so, giving me time for mind-helping breakfast, tea, and morning studies - morning has always been best for me to learn in.
- I thought ahead this time and read the book before class began, taking notes and raising questions before the guy even began to speak.  That helped prep me for the class material and I've absorbed more.
- I've been somewhat familiar with SQL anyway because I was exposed to it a little bit years ago by a DBAdmin, and a bit in my current job.
- I have a practical application for SQL in my current job and a place to "play."
- I can go back into my labs and play more, because it's a safe, non-destructable area to play in so I can solidify some thoughts and take further notes on results.
- There's SQL Server Express, which I've downloaded on my personal computer and can also play with once I figure it out.  (ROCK!)
- It's all about data manipulation and querying, both of which I have some weird interest in.
- There's a commandline version of SQL called SQLCMD!!  OMG!!  I'm in heaven again.
- I don't feel compelled to pay extremely close attention this time around for several reasons, which takes pressure off me, which removes "mental blocks."  Whenever I feel bored or disinterested, or an idea strikes, I simply go into the next lab and begin working on it, taking notes on things that catch my attention instead.  I figure they're either too advanced or not yet applicable, and I'll learn them eventually as I need them.  Also, the labs cover all the lessons, so I get my examples from those and snag them in my notes.

This week has, so far, felt more like a day off than most of my days off do... Just sitting around browsing the web, going through pictures, watching TV, and reading simply don't do today justice.  Likewise, there's no running around, either, so my body isn't tired.  My mind has thus been awakened and has all sorts of energy!!

Speaking of which, I still have ten minutes left for lunch but I also have an unfinished lab I want to go tackle, so... Laters!!


Contentsofsignaturemaysettleduringshipping. -- Mike Beattie


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