2011061701 - c2011 WLC

You crept into my life
You snuck into my heart
I tried to let you in
Though I'd known it from the start

Turned into a
Love hate relationship
And now it's left to die
This thing that never was
Don't need another lie

You know, I loved you girl
Now we're left here in the end
To never understand
Why you weren't a friend

What about the shopping trip
Or all the time we spent in water
The time we spent together talking
Even with the teeter totter

I thought we could have made it
If only for the fun
But instead you lied to me
The last one said we're done

Was it all about some theft?
Were you really after him?
Were you attempting to break us up?
Why else would you interject such doubt?
No one can be so self-centered
To undermine everything I do
And then to lie straight to my face
And say you never did anything wrong
I've tossed ideas back and forth so many times
MPD? Screwed up kid?
A dear beloved said it all:
There is no way to understand.

Now I think back on the past
I hate myself for bothering
But even with the horrid points
I don't regret the mothering
Perhaps one day you'll wisen up
Learn how lies can only hurt
Remember when you said it was just a game?
It isn't when you play alone.

You tried to undermine my efforts
And just as the tension lifted some
I thought perhaps we might just make it
If only for the fun

But instead you lied again
These might have been the harshest ones
Now I know we're done

Turned into a
Never was relationship
And now I'm left with sighs
This thing that never was
Who cares about your lies

I thought I loved you, girl
But now I see you in the end
I'll never understand, you know
Why you said you were a friend


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