Proposal for ya

I have a proposal for ya. It is with the utmost pleasure that I shall propose to announce a proposal. And its acceptance.

Yes. I am engaged. So is Dale for that matter. To each other no less. (Phew!)

Wow, it still seems weird to actually say that. I have and am now a fiancee. *blink, blink*

I once swore off relationships, vowed never ever to live with anyone ever ever ever again after moving out of Mom's place, and never EVER desired marriage, EVER. I've seen too many people getting divorced and then experiencing issues with having to pay alimony or whatever, or having their spouses take revenge and rack up credit card bills, that sort of thing.


Love found me, teased me, spoke to me, and caressed my soul with the sort of power that only Love can exude. And I cannot deny that I've been desiring this marriage thing for some time since that moment that I first figured out what it was that I was so happily enjoying. Wasn't sure it was necessary, but for some reason I don't even know, it somehow seemed like the thing to do.

Last year, when Dale asked me to move in with him, I said it was a very good idea because it would reduce living expenses for both of us, make it easier to care for our respective critters, and save time travelling back and forth to each other's apartments. Yet it took me a few months to completely digest the concept. We moved in together roughly six months after we'd begun dating. Officially, anyway. ;)

So it is that we went hiking this past Saturday and sat atop one of our favourite little mountains. It overlooks our little town and this time of year of course offers some nice views of foliage. I didn't really get to notice much of that, though. After much teasing and curiosity-causing, he finally popped the question.

Funny how one fantasizes about this moment and then reacts exactly the opposite of what one expected they would. Thankfully, however, I'd imagined that I would scream and huggle-pounce him and end up knocking him off the mountain. I'm thankful for this because if I'd imagined that I would feel stunned, pause for a long moment, say yes and then cry in his arms for several eternal minutes, then I may have actually knocked him off the mountain and the engagement would be very short-lived indeed.

Yes, I'm thankful for opposite reactions even though it may have almost scared him into thinking I was about to say, "What are you, nuts? Marry you? HAAAAAhahahahahahahahaha..." At least this way he's still /alive/!!

So that is my news. I have tried to hold this in for two days and I really wanted to tell my mother before posting to the web, but she is THE most difficult person to get a hold of and you know me and my writing thing... can't...stop...typing...

Dale told me he'd wanted to ask my mom for my "hand in marriage" but didn't know how to reach her so hopes she'll give us her blessing instead. I think she'll appreciate this sentiment even though I have a feeling she'll scoff a bit and say, "He doesn't need to ask me for permission to marry you... do what you want." lol She is not that traditional, but I'm certain she's not immune to enjoying some of the more respectful traditions. I'm the same way - of course I plan to get married to this fellow regardless of what she thinks, but the fact he /wanted/ to "ask for" my hand is yet one more reason /why/ I'm marrying this fellow. And, I'm proud to be able to say to my mother, "Mom? You know this wonderful person you've met several times and have come to accept as a decent man if there ever was such a thing? Well, he wanted to ask you first but couldn't get a hold of you... so could we have your blessing instead?" "Huh?" she might say, unless she, being the mother she is, has already telepathically rummaged through space and time and saw the whole thing coming before I was born. She might play along anyway, though, perhaps substituting "Huh?" for "All right. What are you up to now?"

Love you too, Mom...

Anywho, I need to start getting ready for work I guess. Kinda early perhaps but I've got a special meeting and I don't want to screw it up by being late. This is gonna be another busy week.

And no, we have not set a date yet. We have some ideas but suffice it to say it will be _very_ private and as small and unofficially official as possible. This is for our own hearts and sentiments and no one else's. As a marriage should be.

*happy sigh*



Blogger pencil said...

I can't express how happy I am for the both of you. I've followed your writings for some time, but had lost touch for a while. What a wonderful note on which to begin reading your work again!

My congratulations to you both. Upon such good foundations are wonderful things built.


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