New website

www.longtrailfestivalvt.com is my newest website creation. It's simple, but I like simple, and it gets the point across. I admit, however, that I obliged my need to use Xara by creating buttons for it. Took me 1.5 hours to purchase and forward the domain, create the buttons, write the code, splash some humour into the pages, and upload everything to the server.

Did this for a friend, actually, who has yet to give me real information on the thing. She only told me on tuesday however so I might be *slightly* impatient... oh, and my landlord and I chatted briefly on the steps shortly afterward. I mentioned the new site and he's like, "You do websites too?" Well duh, I maintain four now. So I might be picking up another little project soon... told him I'd throw it on my server since I've got so much room at the moment, but I wouldn't put up anything really fancy schmancy and he'd have to pay for the domain, though, these domains add up!! (He was fine with all that of course...)

In other news, I'm working on yet another little PhotoShop project. Dale won the Championship for his Nascar league, so I'm putting together a celebratory picture for him. This be my second contribution to his league. Yay! I love creative stuff...

Speaking of creative stuff... I came up with a cool solution to a problem I've had with information retrieval. Ever hear of SharePoint? Well, you can save docs in that and it automatically indexes them, like SpotLight does in Mac OS X. It's thus quite easy to locate a document you don't recall the exact location or name of. The problem is that information is everywhere in my situation. I'd be in an Access database, and there's a button that takes you to a makeshift form which has all sorts of useful info. To find anything you have to have a pretty good idea of where to locate it. In comes SharePoint - literally. I did some research and discovered it's possible to code an Access command button to open another application. Awesome!! So I finally figured it out and stuck it to the button. It actually works. I click the button, and I get the webpage I wanted. SahWEEEET!!

Can't believe I used to hate Access so much...



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