Adventure in the Park

This is both a remarkable tale of adventure, and one of those "You might be a geek if..." things. The latter will come at the end.

A friend of ours (let's call him "Mike") recently wrote about an adventure he had in the park he looks after. This park is huge, and has a wide variety of trails to walk or bike on. It's a beautiful place to get away from the more city-like appearance only blocks from its main entrance. Mike does a lot of work at the park such as cutting away fallen trees and clearing stones off trails, that sort of thing, to keep it mostly natural but also passable. Most recently he worked on this huge sign at the entrance. He's a great resource and an avid outdoors person.

Well, the adventure began when Mike decided to ride his bike yesterday afternoon. He gets on one of the trails and ends up meeting a bunch of policemen. Turns out someone/people had seen an older gentleman on a trail looking kind of off. It's thought the guy might be lost or has Alzheimers or something and is confused. So off the police go looking for him. Mike ends up helping them as he knows the trails well and they had a dinky little map that wasn't really helpful. There was a command center set up behind the Pierpoint Library so when no confused guy turned up and Mike had to talk a few officers out of the woods over a radio, he went home, got his 40"x30" maps of the park he'd created (these are beautiful btw), brought them back, and laid them out over this rough little paper sketch the police had. Here are all these police (and firefighters too) staring at this beautiful, detailed map of the woods... all trails clearly marked and updated... the map of beauty aside, I can only imagine what this must be like for a policeman who just had a close encounter of the trail kind... LOL So apparently it got too dark and they had to call off the search, but are resuming this morning in hopes the guy is still OK out there, if he's still out there. Mike is going to print out more copies of his maps for them so they don't get lost anymore, I'm sure they're all pretty happy with this, I mean, it's not every day you get a detailed map of such a large area of woods.

Now, I'm reading his email going, "Wow, what excitement..." the whole way through. It was truly an adventure!! Yet one little detail had caught my attention and wouldn't let me forget it. So when I hit "reply," I wrote:

"Holy moly... there's a library at Pierpoint??"



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