Tea pouring

So I was reading on Wikipedia again today about how some people in Northern Africa and West Africa pour their tea from different heights. Moroccan tea is apparently done this way to create a "foam" on the tea, and apparently the altitude of pouring can also affect flavour.

Not wanting to be left out (and being immensely experiential in nature) I decided to try this with the tea left in my teapot this morning. Here are my observations.

1. It's not that hard. I started low and pulled straight up to ensure I was accurate and didn't dump tea all over my desk.
2. It does create a bit of a foam.
3. I didn't notice a taste difference with the Fujian Baroque I tried it on.
4. Doing this requires a towel to wipe things down if you do it around things that should not be splatter with tea, such as monitors and laptops.

Fun!! I need to make more tea.



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