I love my truck

I was driving Twitchy today and was reeeeeeeally appreciating the fact I can drive standard now, because it really does give such a sense of control over the whole concept of driving.  You're not just sitting there like a bump on a log, watching the world pass you by as if you're at some puppet show with flashing lights.

However, I am currently imagining the lofty view from Dante and can't help but think it:  I love my truck.  Automatic or not, it's a beautiful little slipper of a truck, shiny when freshly washed, giving me a nice view of what's down below.  And when it goes up a hill, it simply doesn't care - the V6 kicks in and goes "WHROOOOOOOM!" as if the 50 degree angle were like riding over a piece of flat paper stuck to the pavement.  Dante ... simply ... goes.  Not all at once, mind, but... he goes.

It has been striking me in the past few years just how much I'm beginning to appreciate different vehicles.  I like driving new things and taking on new driving experiences.  It's fun.  It's challenging at times but mostly fun and very interesting.  And even after all the cars I've driven, I have fallen for just a few with any real lust:  My truck, Dante; Dale's car, Twitchy; Dale's other car, Chip; and a friend's WRX.  I sort of liked the first Civic I drove, but the second, newer one just doesn't go at all.  The Ford Explorer was OK but the Kia had to go.  I didn't care for the Stratus.  The little red car, the medium white one, and the great big white old one were ok, but nothing memorable other than the old one shaking all over when I hit 50MPH.

This all tells me a couple of things.  First, I like power in a vehicle.  Second, I like familiarity.  And Third, I LOVE MY TRUCK.  I made the right choice, buying that beast.  He's a good one, that truck.  I'm very lucky that my first vehicle is something I still enjoy six years later and want to keep around.

Doesn't mean I can't wait to get a WRX in a few more years, though.  LOL.



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