Aura photo

I had an aura photo taken yesterday at 1:35pm.

Meaning that was told to me (I am very likely paraphrasing): Rare display as far as the actual pattern goes. Possibly feminine protective spirit protecting my head. Because of the intensity of the yellow cover over my head/face, believed 3 or 4 of such protectors or spirits may be present. He was very insistent that a significant change was due, financially, job-wise, something like that, but it would be an easy change for me because of the groundedness. Said "what's coming" is from the bottom towards the right side, what's now is over my head, and the stuff on the left is more typical. (I think.)
Bottom reddish color: grounded, very stable
Lighter orangey colour below yellow: new romance, or rekindling of existing one.
Yellow: intense intellectual activity. (I was studying the camera when he took the picture because it was a different kind than I'd seen before.)
Red at the top: Very comfortable with who I am.
Very red color to left: Very loving, signifies that people are likely attracted to me without necessarily knowing why. (Definitely paraphrasing there, it was something like that.)
Deeper violet colours at top: He thought this might be the fading into the purple that I normally sense. Intuitive. (Duh)

I was VERY surprised by this photo, but he explained that it's a close up compared to the old photography methods. I deducted from this that the purple is further out, and I cannot see it in the photo but do see it on myself. I do not see the other colours shown in the photo, however. Of course, these colours can change from moment to moment and I was also being strongly affected by being in the place, so despite seeing a good deal of purple from my fingers, admittedly, I did not get to look at the aura around my head. I typically don't bother because I usually see purple around my head, too, and that's never really changed.

The photo was unplanned. I had been wanting one done again for a couple of years now, because I feel far more outgoing than I used to be, more balanced, happier, friendlier, sure of myself, et al. The old photo was over a decade ago and I was less involved with people, much more insecure, and still quite attached to my mother who was not always good for my sense of worth. I also had a lot of growing up to do, still, and hadn't yet become fully comfortable with who I was (namely because I wasn't me yet). The one place that did aura photos, though, had left town and they only did them now and then by hiring someone from another state to do them. That was about once a year and I usually missed the window. I finally got into the window and set up an appointment and that is when they left town!! So anywho, turns out this newer place in town has its own aura camera and brings it in for photos from time to time. The guy made it sound like we could call and make an appointment or something. He just happened to have it there and Jen asked what was going on around there and he brought up the fact he had the camera and was doing aura photographs. Man, did my head whip around!! It was cheaper than the first time I had it done ($20 instead of $25). I imagine that's because it's his camera and there's less equipment to haul around. The technology is certainly cheaper.


Poem: Logical Fool


2011082541 - c2011 WLC

Sitting in the darkness

A single light to shine on walls

I'd wander 'round this house

But there aren't that many halls

Every one would have their doors

And I would pass them all

If only for a second

I thought I'd heard you call

I woke up sweating one nightfall past

When something tugged below the bed

Perchance the cat since you weren't there

And though I know I'd cleared my head

Nothing to see, a chill ensued

Not a single word was said

I closed my eyes and fell back with sleep

Praying to my God instead

Sometimes I swear I'm just a freak

But then on days I wake up to you

I see the sunlight in your eyes

Melting away the logical fool

I stare at the blinds that make a collage

Of the shed outside with its sky of blue

And often the tears come and I can't help but wonder

To be so blessed, what on earth did I do?



So I find this recipe [http://simplyrecipes.com/recipes/roasted_garlic/] last night for garlic and think, whoooo, I wants it!!  So I makes it!!  One of the comments (first one actually) said it relieves flatulence, which I didn't know.  Whatever.  I eated a whole head of garlic last night, roasted that is, all the sulphur compounds supposedly killed by being cooked.  I figured, cool, I can eat this whole thing and it won't give me bad breath, like raw stuff does.  It was extremely tasty.  Yummy even.  Better than raw garlic, which I also love, but seldom eat because it sends Dale packing for Arkansas.  However.  Apparently even cooked garlic can do that.  Here's an outline of the aftermath.

Dale first endured the smell of the stuff in the house.
Then he moved out of the bedroom because I was snoring more than usual.
Then I kept waking up.
At one point I thought, man, is it just me, or does it stink in here?
Then I woke up to one heck of a long fart.  It was me.
Next thing I knew, I'd gassed myself out of the room.
I went to the bathroom for a good pee and all I could smell was garLIC.
Before I was done I let out a very very very long ripper.  GARLIC!!
I gassed myself out of the bathroom.
I even rinsed my mouth, thinking maybe it was just my breath.  (That seemed to have woken up whatever garlic was oozing back into my mouth.)
I had to sleep downstairs by the open window at 4:30 in the morning to catch the last vestiges of darkness for sleep.
I thought about placing the bedroom under quarantine.  I didn't even take my blanket.  I stole a new one from the shelf.
I woke this morning and thought, man, is that MY breath?
Dale comes downstairs after I shower.  I ask, "Uh, do I smell like garlic?"  He shifts away slightly and says, "Yep."
He just walked past me and said, "No one's gonna wanna work with you today.  At least you don't have to worry about anyone bothering you."

Sigh.  I stink.  AND THOSE PEOPLE THAT SAID GARLIC LOSES ITS STENCH WHEN COOKED /LIED/!!  It doesn't stop flatulence, either.  And I betcha if I'd gone outside last night or this morning, I'd still get attacked my mosquitoes.

I think the whole town may have to be quarantined soon.

Dale just came out of the shower and make choking sounds.  We're doomed.


simple things, and many of them

This morning has been perfect, except for the fact I had trouble waking up even when I woke up.  First, I blearily got out of bed and realised that if I hadn't been so accustomed to getting up at the same time every morning, I'd have likely still been asleep.  Then I realised I had some weird-a** dreams that quickly faded from memory.  (Something about Falcor from the Neverending Story?)  Then I got myself a pot of Ceylon Sonata and a slice of toast with marmalade and made my way up to my little relaxation area upstairs.  I call it my "tearoom" because it's a couple old cushions with lots of covers and pillows and a couple spots to place teacups.  I like to read up there sometimes, like this morning.  So I read another chapter in a book and dozed off.  Dale got up.  We proceeded to shower and then had scones and tea together in the kitchen and I saw that he had his iPad so I exclaimed, "He has a device!  Cool!  I'm getting one!" and went off to get Booger Bandit, my little Asus EeePC netbook, who has a recently installed copy of Ubuntu on him.  It took me a while to remember the password.  Then I began to browse and check email again.

Yes, I know.  I have a rather expensive laptop that I could do the same thing with.  Three things.  1) For those of you who won't eat or drink around technology, pretend I chose a cheaper technology for your mind's ease.  2) I had a tea tray behind booger.  He's smaller, thus had just enough room without completely rearranging things.  3) Because I can.  Why bother having all this tech in the house if I never use half of it?  Besides, it's a new O/S for me.  I've got to use it!

Currently I'm on Talon again (my rather expensive macbook pro).  He's easier to type on and has a nice 15" screen which makes it easier to see.  I'd forgotten how annoying a tiny netbook screen can be, but hey, he still serves a purpose.  Right now, Booger is installing updates.  Even linux distros do not escape the dreaded updates.  Se la vie.

So anywho, book, tea, scones, marmalade, tech, Dale.  Even Sinclair paid me a brief visit this morning.  He's such a caaaat.  (Still think he's part dog though.)  Morning is awesome.
