I HATE IPHOTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

iPhoto is officially a fucked up mess in my book now.

They effed up the way you send photos to people.  Now it's geared towards old crotchety people who don't know how to read numbers.  (Sorry, but it's true in most cases of older folks, with few exceptions.)  You know how you could send photos and include the descriptions, the photo names, etc?  Well, now you CAN'T.  They made these weird, memory-intensive, costly templates to house the photos instead, so the names and such are either gone or hidden so well the typically lay person will never ever ever find them in a million years, making this poor techie's life even more miserable.

It used to be that when I emailed my mother-in-law or whomever some pictures, she could write back and go, "Oh, yeah, I like number 7631.  Can I have that full size?"  Now she's gonna get a stupid-looking bunch of pictures all nicely formatted into a big stupid sheet with no identification other than what the template permits me to write.  Well, no, she's not, actually, because I'm going to upload my pictures into iWeb and send her a link.  iWeb, I can still control whether the numbers appear or not.  I think...

Yep, I can...

Stupid developers.  I am so tired of the need to "improve" things.  Egads.



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