iPhone 4 rant


Steve looks and sounds REALLY disgusted/upset for the majority of this presentation.  I've never seen him speak like this in the few years I've been watching these things.  I would be upset, too, if I were him.  He's been passionate about his work for a very long time and doesn't seem to accept the idea of settling, so I know he pushes hard to get excellent-quality products out the door, if not from some perspectives, at least from his and the users who love Apple.  The data he presents, who knows, but coming directly from the company, with the level of certainty in his voice, seems to be far more convincing to me than rumours of problems do in the media, especially since Dale doesn't have problems even in a difficult-reception state.  Apple is sending a free case to every user who has bought or will buy a phone September 30th in an attempt to fix the signal strength problem.  Oh, and they're refunding the cost of the bumper case if it was already purchased.

I could be wrong, too, but earlier in the month I heard that the groove where the problem was was due to separate antennae being bridged together by the hand.  When I saw the design of it, though, it almost looked like it was one single antennae with grooves cut into them.  How is this bridging separate antennae?  I'm lost on that one.

Full refund within 30 days, no restocking fees, or anything, if people aren't happy.  Free case.  Are people still complaining?  If so, they need to be slapped for being idiots.  The worst I think Apple is guilty of right now is wearing rose-coloured glasses for the world.  The world is an increasingly hostile and dumb place, sped up and spit out, by an amazing number of idiots who refuse to think for themselves and want to be catered to hand and foot and if they aren't, they'll sue someone for it.  It's bullshit.  Media will do what they will.  It's a country of free speech.  The thing that bothers me is that as soon as the media latches onto something, a large portion of the masses creates an outcry and they all go running around like naughty children crying wolf.  There is so little responsibility for one's own actions!

Egads, I realize nothing is perfect, but again, if you don't want it, don't buy it.  If you buy it and don't like it, return the damned thing!  I cannot believe people are SUING over a cotton-pickin' PHONE!!


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