Asus Eee Pc 1000HA

I read a gazillion reviews and asked around and so... Last night I
finally took the plunge and ordered an Asus Eee Pc 1000HA in
sleekandfingerprintyforsure Ebony Black. I wanted the 1000H but it
was hard to find, most places said it was either out of stock or
discontinued. But it basically added 802.11 -n- to the b/g along with
bluetooth, neither of which I can honestly say I NEED. So I ended up
with the next model down for $100 less and at a store I like to do
business with.

Other specs: Atom processor, 160GB hard drive, XP Home, three usb
ports, a VGA port, ethernet, 802.1 b/g, 10" screen, 6-cell battery
that can last "up to" 7 hours, and according to a few sites it's got
the smallest power supply available, too.

Due date is within two weeks. This will be my ninth [current] "child"
and the first new computer I'll have had since Dale enticed me to
marry him with Shady in October of 2006. The one before Shady, was
Raven, which I built in August of 2004. So, I'm definitely due for
another one.

I am very very excited. With this little doodad I can sit on the
couch, upstairs in bed, on the stairs, outside on the porch (once it
warms up), in the truck, et al and get a good 5 hours of fun time. I
can also take it with me to friends' houses and the occasional
client's when those creep back into my life (which they always do
somehow). YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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