Life is good.

I've Faith in God, some cool computers to play with, more to use as an end table, an awesome Mom, great friends, two beautiful gerbils, AND I just had a wonderful night out. What more could I ask for?

Well, I suppose I'll ask that others have similar happiness. Despite my inner mistrust of people's intentions, I sincerely believe that most people have a good heart, even if buried beneath layers of household dust.

Talk about a short post...


I've killed her. Again.

I think I have succeeded in finishing off the DP2000. Ever since I let that guy from school talk me into installing Mandrake on her... well, I really should never have restarted her while Mandrake was flibbling around. Then again, she'd have been on for over a year now if I /hadn't/ shut her down...

Anyway, I thought I'd attempt to fix her up, but it's just not up my alley to troubleshoot every little thing when I'm fairly certain it's the motherboard. First there's the Intellisafe errors, and now the 702 coprocessor one with two short beeps. Zheezh! And resetting the CMOS only made it so now the video won't even come up. Lights are on but nobody's home. So much for that. For now.

On the upside, I have a couple of new hard drive drawers to play with. I got them the other day and they're WAY cool. Been wanting a couple for about six months now but just couldn't justify buying even one until I realized I still wanted them. That /makes/ it justified. LOL!! And, I've rearranged my house [yet again] so that all of my /working/ computers are hooked up in a neater fashion and in such a way as for me to actually get at them when I need and want to. Oh, the joys of life.


Sev Trek: The X Generation

Cartoon Archive

This is, like, THE coolest Star Trek spoof I've ever heard of. Okay, it's the only one I've heard of, but it's great and hilariously funny. I actually ran across it a while back, but thought it would be THE perfect site to start "blogging this" with.

Quesadilla was great, btw. *happy rumbling tummy noises*
All right. I've heard of 'em. I've read a few. But nothing ever compares to actually DOING something computer- and writing-related. I just had to have one.

So, that said, HERE'S MY BLOG!! I can now say "Yes, I do have an authentic blog, even though I was perfectly happy writing my own code for my own well-unknown website! I can now express myself here for all the world to see if it so chooses! I can open myself up for flaming, or for praise, or for boredom! Yay!! Whoo hoo!"

Okay, so I /am/ a bit excited about this. After all, it /is/ my /own/ spot to ramble, and my friends all KNOW how I love to ramble. And, the best part is, I can post from any internet connection. I can't do THAT with my own site. Well, I can with this, but... as I said, it's a well-unknown site...

Methinks it's time for breakfast, so I'm going to post this now and learn more about what options for this exist whilst I'm eating my quesadilla. Oh, happy days!! A new toy!!