whitTHOUGHTSoftheday, 4/24/2011

Easter:  An old holiday taken over by Christians and Commercialism, and my favourite one at that.

My foot screams at the thought of a hike, and my body screams at the thought of one at 6am on Easter Sunday.  So I sit here alone at 6:30am and gaze out the window, for it is a beautiful Spring day, the grass is green already, and the birds were so happy they kept waking me up anyway.

I wonder if the Rainbow Bridge ever gets flooded like the one down the road?  (Hope not)

I'm hungry.  Again.  Funny how that keeps happening.  Almost like I'm a human or something.

Virtual Machines don't run Airxonix so well.  They also take an excessively long time to scan memory cards.  Still... COOL!!!!!

I can do anything... if only I'm obsessed with it!

I love how the morning light sets fire to patches of trees on the mountain, then the clouds come to extinguish the flames.  It's very pretty and fun to watch.

My cat is like a dog.  He follows me around and stares me in the eye and purrs when I'm happy.  Okay, the purring isn't like a dog...

My other cat drools like a dog.  Ew.

I get to drive the Datsun today!!  I hope...

And now I'm so hungry I really must find food.  Perhaps a spot of tea, too.  With a little sugar, too.  I'm beginning to try the bastardization of tea lately, talking myself into it, just so I can use lump sugar.  I've already dumped three cups because of this, but hey, I got to use lump sugar!!


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