Lost My Voice

Well last sunday I came down with what I thought was the flu
But here it's sunday once again and it seems that I'm still feeling you
I cough and I choke and I'm blowing my nose
At times I swear my throat is clogged with pantyhose
I get up and I drink and I try to watch tv
But I hack and I spit and I know who snores - it's me
Through the night I'm wide awake even though I'm still asleep
But if you asked me just one question you woudn't hear a peep
'cause my voice has been lost in the hackings of my pleghm
And my uvula was swollen maybe five times maybe ten
The doc prescribed the steroids but the suckers won't go down
Leaving only bitter taste and the ab's made me frown
Last night I took Nyquil but it only brought me shame
Stuff went down but I swear that it's only liquid flame

My throat is dry although I try to keep it wet as I sweat
I'm in my chair lighter than air and I get on the internet
My head is floating through cyberspace what a race and I fly
Through the screen this flu is mean it makes me feel like I should die
But no I won't because you're there I know you care and so I'll fight
Against this virus that's among us and when you say I'll be alright
I believe it I've been through this many times before you came
Into my life still what a night I want some sleep but play this game
Of trying drugs to help me through but even you don't have much hope
They'll do much good as if they could and now I feel like such a dope

Note: I found a song by Weird Al called "Couch Potato" which happened to be a parody of Eminem's "Lose Yourself." I've discovered that I actually LIKE Eminem (even though I swear I hate rap) and as I began to write this blog, the above came out. Guess some things simply rub off on me. ::shrug::



dreams are SO WEIRD!!

First off, I just want to say that being a morning person can really suck on Saturdays when you'd rather sleep in with a special someone. It just stinks. Because you lay there all cuddled up, listening to snoring, and your mind is racing a hundred thousand miles a minute, trying to decipher dreams, thinking about the March of the Penguins you saw last night (and wondering how they 'do it' since that part was conveniently left out of the movie, perhaps in good taste, but still)... Then you think about new ideas for this project you're working on JUST IN THE OTHER ROOM....

...and so you cuddle up closer to the warmth lying next to you, squeezing your eyes shut against the mental chatter and trying desperately to go back to sleep, to join him in his dozeful bliss.

Finally, amidst screams of "you're just going to get up in an hour anyway" and "but there's SUNlight out there" and "How much did it snow do you think?" and "Don't forget to look up that dream you had" and "OH DON'T FORGET TO ORDER THAT THING FOR YOUR MOM!!" and "make sure your camera's ready for today's trip" and "Are you suuuuuuuuuuure you'd rather cuddle here in this weird position rather than... check... your... EMAIL????", I get up.

Stupid mind.

Anyway, the reason I blog is partly because my words are all over my head this morning, and partly because I wanted to share a weird dream I had last night/this morning. Then I'm going to go do some of the things my mind has been screaming at me about prior to officially admitting that I'd woken up. Strange, though, nothing's screaming at me now. *growl*

I dreamt that I received a few phone calls and the person(s) hung up after allowing me to hear some television or something in the background. So the next phone call made me irritable. I answered gruffly. "Hello." "Hi, this is [you make out what they said here]. Is this you?" "Uh, I'm sorry, who did you say you were again?" Her tone changed: "Boo Zigley." Whoa, a name I hadn't heard in a few weeks, I thought. She interviewed me for a job at IBM!! (Not in real life, but in the dream.) "Oh!!! Hi!!" I said, trying to wake up, for I was ACTUALLY SLEEPING in my DREAMS... She said some things to me that I can't recall or couldn't hear, but long story short, I ended up meeting with her in this little office along with some other woman. Only we ended up dangling our feet over some stone wall in a garage looking out over water. Why a garage was facing the water... anyway, I didn't have much to say because I was still kinda sleeping, but I was acutely aware that I wasn't saying much and it was highly different from the animated self that I presented her with a couple weeks earlier. I sensed that she was trying to figure out what she'd ever seen in me and that I might be losing the job which I may have had just moments before I answered the phone. I don't even know what the job was exactly, but I had a feeling it involved children and a lot of energy on my part - teaching, perhaps. No, wait. I already have a job like that. Ha. Ha. Joking aside, I really wanted the job, whatever it was.

It's all I remember of this dream, but I know quite stronly that this Boo Zigley (whereever that came from I don't know) is a woman from work I've been conversing with recently. In fact, it may even signify this to some extent, because I met her in person two days ago and I found I had little to say and felt awkward because I'd been talking up a storm via email! She's a very professional-seeming, yet fun, person, intelligent, and I think I've associated her with this Boo person whoever it is. Maybe this is my way of telling myself that if a situation ever arose for me to work for her, I'd do it in a heartbeat. Who knows.

Anyway, now that that's out, I'm going to go work on that project before my mind starts in on me again. Besides, I'm dying to see the finished project. I love it when things just... flow... and this one has.
