
I was looking for an email from Adagio's tea forums when I happened across an email.

After reading this email, it dawned on me that I never submitted a blog to this site mentioning that the blog has moved.


For those of you who have been wondering at my lack of words lately, rest assured I am still posting. Just not here. Blogger allows me to host my own blog and email my posts to it. Can't beat that!! Permanent knowledge of where my stuff is, and the ability to post from anywhere, anytime! Assuming there's internet access, of course, but how often does yours truly put herself in a position to be deprived of the Internet for more than a few hours?

Not often.

So, without further ado, this is my new posting site:

I realize it's a bit long for an address, but it'll do for now. I might redirect one of my domains at some point, or create a subdomain, who knows... but I'm off to work and don't have time to think about it at the moment. I'll be sure to post the "proper" address once there is one. Might take me months to remember... but...
